I like remembering where I came from- it keeps me real. Sometimes it keeps me humble- not always. It keeps me real because I don't distort the truth... as ugly as it is. But just in case I ever do forget- or sugar coat anything- I have some pretty good reminders.
I don't usually offer up excuses for why I was the way I was... but since a lot of people don't know me, I'll offer just this. I lived in a crazy family- and I took care of my mom a lot. I took care of my younger sister and brother too. And I drank and did stupid things. I drank, so I could survive.
Now I really do look upon most of my drinking years as one big party that just got crappy at the end...and sometimes I actually forget that the party went many years longer than it should have because I got off to a very bad start.
So the day before yesterday my niece Marni called me asking if she could stop by- she had something really funny to show me. Sure I said... I love having the girls (my nieces)stop by, I have always loved them to death.
Marni comes in the house and hands me a piece of paper. It looks like a child's school paper and the very first line across the top is...
My Auntie Katie is in Jail.
Oh wait- it gets better... (pardon the errors I think my darling niece was only 7/8 years old.)
Today at 6:15 we had a phone call Police Station. I was asleep. My sister woke me up at 6:30 AM. I said "What happened? " My sister said Auntie Katie is in jail. How come? She had no license. How does she get out? When we get the money my mom said. She was on the phone until 7:00. I had to make my lunch. Is this her first time? You kidding? No, more than one time. Poor Auntie Katie I said. She deserves it my mom said.
Now sadly, poor Marni only got a B- on this original work. I think she should have gotten a A. I had lost my license years before and never renewed it - it was super stupid. I was super stupid. Drinking makes people REALLY stupid.
Only my old friend Renee, my sister Linda ("she deserves it") and my sister Angie remember those days. And me- I remember.
I'm glad I got things worked out and my son never had to report on his mother going to jail. (or being drunk)I'm glad I am clear headed today- and able to laugh with Marni about this funny paper. Oh- by the way. I went to all of Marni's and Kelly's (her sister) open houses. I got to meet this teacher too.
Crazy old days.